Welcome Letter for new residents

          L4NEuHRqun44MIez.jpgMay, 2022


We are very glad you have chosen the Courts of Four Seasons as your new residence!  We believe you will find the area pleasant, friendly, safe, and centrally located to many our cities and attractions, including:

                -BWI airport, only 20 minutes up Route 170

                -Annapolis, an easy 30-minute drive down I-97

                -Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the same distance up I-95 or the B-W Parkway

                -Washington, DC and all that it has to offer, an easy commute from the New Carrolton Metro

More local advantages:

                -The Courts of Four Seasons borders GORC park to our west, complete with ball fields, basketball courts, walking tracks, and a playground.

                -Less than two miles from the Village of Waugh Chapel and the Waugh Chapel Town Centre, with more than 60 stores, restaurants, a movie theater, and professional services.  

                -Great schools, with Four Seasons Elementary School right across the street. We are part of the Arundel feeder system.


The Courts is managed by an all-volunteer HOA, assisted by our management group, Sentry Management.  We encourage you to read up on the governing documents you should have or will be receiving at settlement. We are a small community – only 183 homes, and have endeavored to make the HOA as non-intrusive as possible. Our annual dues are very modest because we don’t require huge expenditures for things like clubhouses and pools. Nor do we have onerous rules like  prohibiting crazy holiday lights! Our basic tenet is  be nice to your neighbors, talk to them, get to know them, and they will do the same for you -  and most issues will resolve themselves!

                In order to facilitate communications, the community has a website (cofshoa.org) which we hope will prove valuable to you and keep you up to date. We also have a bi-annual newsletter, a copy of which you should also have been given when you completed settlement.

                We very much encourage everyone to register on the website.  Rest assured,  we do not burden you with spam or ads, or frequent emails --  the only people permitted on it are the residents. It is very secure. We maintain it primarily for you, with an added benefit that it will enable you to communicate with your neighbors if needed, and with the HOA Board if you have questions.

                Registering on the site can be done in just a few steps:

  • Go to the website home page cofshoa.org
  • Click the “register” link at the top right of the screen
  • Fill in the form on the next page with your contact information, and a password for login. Submit it.
  • The website manager or the Board will verify you are a resident, and you’ll be all set. As a registered member, you will have access to a lot more features on the site than outside visitors do.


Welcome again!  And thank you for becoming a part of our family!


Board of Directors,

Courts of Four Seasons Homeowners Association

PO Box 565    Gambrills, MD 21054                                                            Email: [email protected]